Foresite is committed to a strong Safety Management System that protects all its resources from accidental loss including employees, property, and client resources. Our team believes the benefits of our system is not only for the health and welfare of its employees, but for the successful completion of the work.
We believe zero incidents, injuries, environmental and property loss requires that all employees in the company take responsibility for their own safety as well as the safety of others. Our HSE Management System is consistently and effectively implemented, monitored and continuously improved. We always strive to exceed the HSE performance expectations of industry and our clients.
Foresite’s management accepts the role for leadership of the HSE program and for providing the necessary safeguards to ensure safe conditions. Everyone home safely, always is our goal. We will achieve our goal through active, visible leadership and a real commitment at all levels throughout our organization. Foresite Geomatics has long standing memberships and accreditations from the following leading organizations.